Michael Zhuoyu Zhu
"Looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything -- Ray Bradbury"
"Looking back over a lifetime, you see that love was the answer to everything -- Ray Bradbury"
More than just a geek
Born and raised in Shanghai, China. Left home to UK with no real sense of direction and no idea where I was going in life. It was where my life adventure began.
Earned both Bachelor and Master of Information Engineering at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK under the supervision of Dr Steve Hoath.
After graduation, I went to bay area to start my career. Starting a new life alone in a new country is pretty scary. But, the scarier thing is regreting to have the gut to follow your dream.
Mesmerized by the cuteness of french bulldogs. Plan to adopt one in the near future. If we're in common, just keep calm and hug your frenchie:)
A mindset that is streched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. Travelling helps me meeting different people and see the world from a different point of perspective.
A lifelong, enormous Manchester United fan. My favorite soccer manager and player are Sir Alex Ferguson and Cristiano Ronaldo respectively.